I made this logo for my friends who have been making this gaming and movie review podcast. I updated their logotype and added some icons that animate for the video intro. This is the non-8-bit version.
Click the button and subscribe to them!
I made this logo for my friends who have been making this gaming and movie review podcast. I updated their logotype and added some icons that animate for the video intro. This is the non-8-bit version.
Click the button and subscribe to them!
Check out the EMC Insurance holiday video that I designed and animated. I pulled the star and the color palette from their holiday card and edited some Des Moines skyline illustrations. I drew the EMC Tower myself. This is my first video using After Effects and one of my first projects at my new job at EMC. I still am learning how to do easing in an efficient way, but I had a lot of fun with the star/snow effects and I am pretty happy with it.