Playing board games with Ryker
Playing Star Trek Catan. RIP Spock
Playing board games with Ryker
Playing Star Trek Catan. RIP Spock
This is a campaign that I worked on with the GIADC Creative Campaign team. The creative was developed by me and Jon Kytola and led by Brian Tallman. I created the animated ads and Jon made the logo and print ads. We had a lot of fun with the 80's theme and I learned a lot making a fake bowling arcade game.
In early March I began playing Ingress. It is an augmented reality game on Android devices that uses your gps location. I have been getting a little obsessed and got involved with the google+ community for my team in the game. I created the logo below for the group and they really liked it. The eye symbol on the right is the logo for the Enlightened team created by NianticLabs@Google.