My in-laws family reunion...
Mia: 6 Months Old
Dana Family 2016
Mia is 4 Months Old!
Dana Family Reunion
5 Year Anniversary
Me and Alyssa's 5 year wedding anniversary is this Saturday so we got out her dress to take photos of it with Mia... and Ryker.
Baby #2: Mia Jolee
Mia Jolee Briggs born at 9:55am on May 7th. She was 9lbs 1oz. and 20 inches long. She is so pretty and our son Ryker loves being a big brother.
Ryker's got big news!
He is going to be a big brother!
My wife is pregnant and should be due in May 2016. We are so excited!
Ryker crawling
Ryker William Briggs - 9 months
Sexy Sunday
Look at them rolls!
Happy Valentine's Day from Ryker
Captain Ryker William Briggs
My son Ryker will be 6 months old tomorrow! To commemorate this milestone I have made him captain of the USS Enterprise.
Merry Christmas from Ryker
Ryker Under the Christmas Tree
Ryker William Briggs - 3 Months
My boy is getting big. He is smiling, laughing and almost sitting up by himself!
My Lil Punkin Pie
Ryker's Birthday
Ryker William Briggs
7lbs 6oz 20 inches
8/2/13 at 4:38pm
Taken by my mother-in-law with her Canon Rebel T3 and edited by me.